Ali Nagle, based on the quality of her abstract and her award application for the AACR-NCI-EORTC International Conference on Molecular Targets and Cancer Therapeutics: Discovery, Biology, and Clinical Applications, has been selected to receive a Scholar-in-Training Award supported by AACR-Aflac in the amount of USD $1000 to support her attendance at the conference, which takes place October 26-30, 2017 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Congratulations Ali!!
Click the link below for local news coverage of Dr. Oesterreich’s award.
Pa. Breast Cancer Coalition Awards Two Researchers $100K In Grants
Congratulations Ali on your Scholar-in-Training Award at AACR-NCI-EORTC
We are proud to congratulate graduate students Emily Harrington and Kevin Levine on their recent awards at the Magee Women’s Annual Research Day! Emily won the first place fellow/graduate trainee award for her oral presentation entitled “Unique Tamoxifen Regulation of Snail in Invasive Lobular Carcinoma”. Kevin triumphed with the first place fellow/graduate trainee poster award for his poster presentation “Combination FGFR4 and ER-targeted therapy for invasive lobular carcinoma”.
Way to go Emily and Kevin!
Steffi received the honor to serve as Komen Scholar – an international advisory groups which helps to guide Komen’s research and scientific program, education and advocacy work, and public health efforts in the US and abroad.
Steffi received a $100,000 Metastatic Breast Cancer Research Leadership Award from the Metastatic Breast Cancer Network (MBCN), a patient driven organization. The research they fund will focus on improved understanding of metastases in patients with invasive lobular breast cancer (ILC).
Sreeja has received a AACR Scholar-in-Training Awards and Nilgun has received the DOD grants to support their post-doc studies.