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- George Tseng received an R01CA285337 with MPI of Adrian and Steffi entitled “Single-cell congruence evaluation and selection of cancer models towards precision medicine” - George Tseng received an R01CA285337 with MPI of Adrian and Steffi entitled “Single-cell congruence evaluation and selection of cancer models towards precision medicine”. This work…
- Dr. Steffi Oesterreich was awarded the 2024 AACR Distinguished Lectureship in Breast Cancer Research, and Dr. Adrian Lee moderated exciting session on liquid biopsies at 2024 SABCS
- Lab Retreat - Happy to see Dr Ryan Hartmaier, Senior Director, AstraZeneca, Translational Medicine, Oncology R&D, who was hosted by Adballa Wedn as part of PCB seminar series…
- PSTP Retreat - Great poster from Caleb at the PSPT retreat on Nov 1st, 2024. Also happy to see Kana and Hunter there.
- International Invasive Lobular Breast Cancer (ILC) Symposium 2024 - Members of the lab attended this year’s ILC symposium in Leuven, Belgium.
- New publication in JAMA Surgery by Neil Carleton! - Congrats to Neil, Adrian, and Steffi on their new publication in JAMA Surgery! They led a nonrandomized trial evaluating a “nudge” intervention embedded in the…
- The lab participated in the 2024 Susan G. Komen “More Than Pink” walk! - Another successful participation in the annual Susan G. Komen More Than Pink Walk is in the books! The lab also hosted a table for information…
- Abdalla Wedn wins the 3-minute thesis competition in the Pitt School of Medicine - In the three-minute thesis competition at the School of Medicine, Abdalla won first place tied with another student as “People’s Choice (voting from people who…
- We always find a reason to have cake – its Friday or International Womens Day
- Pink Warriors Visit the Lee/Oesterreich Lab - Eight members of The Pink Warriors, the only breast cancer club at the University of Pittsburgh, joined the lab for a tour of the facilities,…
- SABCS 2023! - Jay, Neil, & Chelsea presented their research at this year’s San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium.
- Lab Holiday Luncheon!
- The Lee/Oesterreich Lab has been recertified as a designated Green Lab through the Pitt Sustainability Program! -
- Lab members volunteering at the Komen “More Than Pink” Walk - Several lab members volunteered at the Research tent at the annual Susan G. Komen “More Than Pink” walk in Pittsburgh. Adrian and Steffi were also…
- Steffi and Lauren in the “Race to Crush Cancer” ride - Steffi Oesterreich and Lauren Brown were recently featured in the “Why We Ride” video for the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Race to Crush Cancer ride.