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The Lee/Oesterreich lab attends the 2019 UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Scientific Retreat

Our lab was well represented at this year’s UPMC Hillman Cancer Center Scientific Retreat, held at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall and Museum!

The Lee/Oesterreich lab receives two Breast Cancer Alliance Exceptional Project Grants!

The Lee/Oesterreich lab is delighted to receive two grant awards from the Breast Cancer Alliance (

The BCA selected to fund our projects entitled ‘Therapeutic targeting of novel pathways in breast cancer brain metastases’ and ‘Understanding the importance of ESR1 fusion genes in metastatic breast cancer”. The grants provide one year of funding support for these exciting projects.

We are very grateful for the funding to continue our quest to better understand and target endocrine resistant breast cancer.

Congrats to Nilgun Tasdemir for giving a talk and winning best poster at ESM2019!

Congrats to Dr. Nilgun Tasdemir on giving an oral presentation at the Endocrine Society Meeting 2019 in New Orleans, LA and winning the best poster award in the Presidential Poster Competition for her poster “Novel Preclinical Models of Estrogen Receptor Alpha Positive Metastatic Invasive Lobular Breast Carcinoma Using Dual Bioluminescent and Fluorescent Human Cell Line Xenografts”.

Ashuvinee Elangovan wins the GRC and BGSA travel awards!

Congrats to Ashuvinee Elangovan for winning the GRC and BGSA travel awards!

Ashuvinee Elangovan
Graduate Student

Ashuvinee Elangovan, a 2nd year graduate student in the lab won travel awards from the Gordon Research (GRC) Conferences and the Biomedical Graduate Student Association (BGSA) for the upcoming Gordon conference on IGF and Insulin System in Physiology and Disease in Ventura, CA.